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August 06, 2006


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I grew up surrounded by family so the not great neighbors I have found (not bad, just not involved, like you describe) to be a wierd thing to be around. I love this post and wrote about it on my blog too. :)


I think it's great that you are at least making an effort to be neighborly. All kinds of things contribute to the lack of neighborhood closeness, and you've hit on a lot of them. Add TV to the top of the list and that explains why people aren't out on their steps or porch from 8 to 10, and then some. Also, safety is now an issue. Gone are the days when we let our kids go off out of our sight for hours at a time.

Another thing in our area is that it's a small town; most people know each other. Across the street, I have three neighbors. One is a woman who goes to my gym and takes a certain class with me; the next is a close friend's cousin; and the third was my husband's high-school math teacher. Those small connections make things a lot friendlier.


After living on the farm and in a suburb where everyone knew your family, lack-of-religion (horrors) and business - it's refreshing to me to live in a small town as a newcomer where no one knows a thing about me. I can walk my dog, chat with other dogwalkers and come home, sit on my back patio behind my privacy fence and feel totally private. But I don't have children at home and I work at home...and I am a hermit (after aforementioned experiences - nosy suburbs/farm town)

Carrie K

I live back in the house I grew up in and there are a few neighbors that are the same, but. But. We're not a neighborly neighborhood. We're there if you need anything and housesitting (all the neighbors) but we don't socialize much. Not like when I was growing up, but back then, it was hot, no a/c, and all the kids in the neighborhood know each other.


when i lived in my last home, about 12 years ago, i had the most wonderful neighbor in the world. i still miss her (and her family).

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